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Saturday, December 11, 2010

"Our Little Abang"

December 11, 2010 0 Comments
Posting ni adalah nukilan khas daripada chik buat Muadz sempena hari lahirnya yang keempat tahun.. terima kasih chik.. :)

To his little brother(hadif),he is very caring and responsible “ABANG”..

To his sister(along) and aunt(mok dek) he is very naughty boy,certain time he will be peacemaker to them..

To his mak tok n pok tok,he will be matured and helpful….person,except when he crying..

To his ummi and abah,he is very pampered boy

To his pak ngah n chik ngah,he will be a story teller

To his pok chat,he wil be a DJ,request his pok chat to sing “lagu pakai baju kancing baju”…


To his chik and the..

He will be multipurpose personality…

He will be very good “geng” when chik and the bully his along and mok dek..
He will be advisor when chik and the want to buy something(besenye advice dia supaya chik and the beli mainan utk dia..hmmm..
He will be reminder when chik n the promise something to him..
He will be funny person when he want to tell about something but different “ayat”..
He will be like “pisau cukur”mengepau his chik and the..
he will be manja person,want to makan with chik and the,even chik and the makan ikan kering pun dia nak jgk,when he want to sleep and when along and mok dek bully him …

He is our STRENGTH…He is our SOUL..



...muadz sambut birthday yang keempat..
sebab chik and the xleh sambut skali,so,awal2 da bagi hadiah

sekarang..budak tu da besar..

da pandai komen pasal orang…(besenye the yang kene)
da pandai nasihat orang(especially along dia)
da pandai merajuk bila dia cakap orang xdengar..
da pandai bagi pendapat...
da pandai betulkan ape yang xbetul..(di mata dia)
da pandai pertahankan apa yang dia cerita (bila ada orang argue)...
da pandai marah orang bila orang wat salah..
cakap banyak..perangai pun banyak..gigi je xbanyak2..
Selamat Menyambut Hari Lahir yang ke empat
Sannah Helwah Ya ”Ashz”..
……..MY HERO...

gambo muadz dari kecik sampai ke beso(4 tahun)

p/s: sorry ye ashz achik anda busy..birthday da lama,tp br post